Aye. I've been asking Maciej for that to be fixed for 3 weeks (21 days ago now), but all I get are promises without it actually happening.

Frustrating to the point my determination to like the site despite its flaws and lack of paid-for Archive functionality is evaporating.

The good news, the exercise has given me the inspiration to do more myself, which might even be better!

Nice to have perspective too. Share sheets have been around a while now, right?

That's the appeal of GitHub Pages and the Jekyll site I threw up at my host, speed, preprocessing (or whatever it's called) prior to the server. And I can tinker without massively borking stuff.

However, Baz haz an itch. :)

Oh now, definitely worth a look! Thanks!


Just been thinking about your file system comment. I'm accustomed to sharing now, and though I've got backups, I think I'd actually prefer to make something.

It'll be the latest iteration of a thing countless people have done already, but hey, why not! As long as the private stuff remains private I've zero objections to making my eclectic :) collection of bookmarks public.

You beat me to it, thanks. :)

Thanks, I'll go and look for it. My Dropbox space is limited right now, figuring out if I should pay for it. Hmmm…

No no, it's far more complex than that. Yes, ok yes. :D It's a del.icio.us clone, that works.

Here's mine. https://pinboard.in/u:bazbt3/

Hmmm… I should investigate what database software I can run (limited to Softaculous for ease of installation) at my web space; secure-enough to relax with, simple-enough to create a labyrinthine mess. :D

That is way more than my monthly spread, aside from following links. I should post about my core. ;)

Ok, there's a 3 day trial for Pinboard but it's money up front. Right now I think it's simply borked.