I can understand that. After using MSN (and their chat programs) for 17 months I signed up to btinternet, pretty-much the biggest UK ISP. They had a set of closed usenet-like newsgroups, with just enough people to keep it interesting, fun. We met up a few times In. Real. Life. and I still keep in touch with a core few. Not a bad feeling after nearly 19 years. :)

I once opened an IRC window. I once backed out of an IRC window without interacting with anyone else. I'm pretty sure I missed out.

Thanks for keeping us updated. Have fun. :)

I can't change my Twitter display name, it must be 20 or fewer characters. :/

New Post: Easter Bunny [bazbt3.10centuries.org]

Dogs are indeed the best. Every night I lock Ruby away she looks so dejected, every morning as I let her out to answer the call of nature after breakfast I'm the centre of her world again. Maybe. :)

#QuoteSunday on a Monday

" dogs are the best :)"

Despite my doom-laden feelings it might end well, as might Trump/GOP in the USA, as might Brexit. I'm not about to add Syria or North Korea or repeated African famines to my list, at least not yet, but…

Ah, what's the use, no-one's likely to do why I want today. Except Ruby dog.

New Post: 51-49 [bazbt3.10centuries.org]

Achievement unlocked: Peak scruffbag:
