@jws I'd simply like to make things more 'personal', hence the 'obscure' footnote. As I'm no coder I was thinking of using something like:
What timezone are you in, what city best represents it?
I'm thinking of creating a list of Pnutter/10Cer timezones (dynamic-ish, JavaScript) accessible across my wikis. No usernames, but with plenty of disclaimers, mainly about seasonal inaccuracies…
Obscure is ok. ;)
@matigo Yeah, on so many levels. It was worth trying to promote it here, but…
(dons thinking cap)
Poll is closed! The first post-ADN #ThemeMonday, for April 10 2017 and chosen by you*, is:
Results: https://beta.doodle.com/poll/rb5tnuggpx5ph2ry#table
Voting graph:
More: thememonday.bt3.com
People *like you.
"I saw your picture … You're young enough to have a third. I'm sure if Mrs. Baz asked real nice, you'd agree :)"
– @matigo"Mrs Baz HAS asked lot of times, real nice, but if she tried it now it'd probably kill her."
– Mrs Baz.
@matigo Yeah. The government payout on death rules have been tightened (money cut) and I don't know where the insurance documents are. ;)
@matigo Mrs Baz says:
"Mrs Baz HAS asked, lots of times, real nice, but if she tried it now it'd probably kill her."
Verbatim, that. :D