My run of bad luck continues. ;/
// @matigo @sumudu
My run of bad luck continues. ;/
// @matigo @sumudu
@sumudu Thanks. It's taken weeks to get URLs working. Tsk! ;)
This is not a drill.
// @matigo
@matigo Oh no, I'm not implying anything. Nope. @sumudu broke it all this time. Nothing to do with me. ;)
@matigo Nope. I pasted a valid link - pasted directly from the browser as I was looking at the page. Plain text paste, no Markdown at all.
Honestly. :)
@matigo Answer: not for me. Typos can still provoke giggles; who are we to shape the future of mankini?
> Question: Should Blurbs be editable?
@matigo I could backdate my issue tracker gist to make it look like a responsive developer is steadily implementing feature requests! ;}