Meanwhile, over at ADN, it's #UpsideDownMonday!
@matigo Hah! I must change my habits!*
@bazbt3 you post a lot from the toilet. Historians will look back on this and wonder why so many men in the 20th and 21st century spent so much time in the bathroom …
*Does the blockquote end as a new paragraph begins?
@matigo How patient are you with JSON noobs who barely understand what an API endpoint is? ;)
I wasn't jesting. Jesting would have been suggesting I post my live* Twitter stream into 10C via the magic of IFTTT. ;)
No, I just wondered how to get notified of mentions as a short-term measure.
// @bazbt3 @height8
*Inconsequential for the most part.
I* have lost the ability to spell and proofread.
*Also a blockquote & asterisk test.
// @matigo @height8
@matigo Is there a Mentions (or any other 10C compinrnt) RSS feed URL available yet, as a temporary measure, so I could use e.g. IFTTT to notify me?
// @height8
Damnit, so busy yesterday I forgot to post my latest blog entry to both 10Cs.
Hardly a magnum opus, but still.