@height8 So far in my journey I've found nothing that allows me to disagree with that. :)

@height8 How did you know I was looking for a Muggles book for Python? You're good.

Rubygems? Eeeek! I've looked at the dependencies, those alone scare me.

My future? :}



10Cv4 app: I started work on a Linux bash shell script thing, soon realised the limitations of doing it that way - especially extracting usable, human-readable stuff from the json responses.

Think I need to learn a bit of Python, at least enough to get by.

In other news, my phone keyboard doesn't automatically substitute Jason for json.


Time for bed. Trying to extract multiple fields from json files using the command line (even scripts) is hard. Head hurts. In a good way! :)

Oopsie. Carry on! :}

Go back to sleep. :)


Getting there, this should be a reply. (Hardcoded post number though.)

ADN 2.0, yeah. But better. I posted about it yesterday, eventually. ;)
