@height8 So far in my journey I've found nothing that allows me to disagree with that. :)
@height8 How did you know I was looking for a Muggles book for Python? You're good.
@matigo Rubygems? Eeeek! I've looked at the dependencies, those alone scare me.
My future? :}
// @ericd
10Cv4 app: I started work on a Linux bash shell script thing, soon realised the limitations of doing it that way - especially extracting usable, human-readable stuff from the json responses.
Think I need to learn a bit of Python, at least enough to get by.
In other news, my phone keyboard doesn't automatically substitute Jason for json.
// @matigo
Time for bed. Trying to extract multiple fields from json files using the command line (even scripts) is hard. Head hurts. In a good way! :)
@streakmachine @thrrgilag @indigo ADN 2.0, yeah. But better. I posted about it yesterday, eventually. ;)