After the authentication & authorisation stuff, it's all here:


Ah, I'm a little premature there. Some other family has returned home. :)

The girls and my wife are home. :)

Oh, it works but it's really not usable in any meaningful way.

  • I can post - the easy bit. There's not a lot of difference between 's example and my thing; it was straightforward enough moving from the bash stuff to Python.
  • I can view my mentions - but it's simply me extracting stuff from the pages of 'raw' data returned by the API. I've got to parse it myself rather than have software do it.
  • I can reply to a post - but I need the post number to which I'm replying. Again I've got to go through the data returned by the API to find post numbers.

But it is a start. :)

Do it. :)

My code works.


The menu works as a menu, I can post using it, but will this post using a 'def' toset the authorisation header?

Testing a basic menu with a Python 'def' thingy.

Night! Pleasant dreams. :)

Darn, I forgot to mention in my reply, and he's gone to bed. Ah well, it'll keep. ;) (browser)

Thanks, and it is indeed very true. However, i've had chats with my daughters about an individual's impossible goal of getting to the moon via elestic bands. ;) (A reply to 7725.)