@peemee (bows) I can restart my day now. :)
@matigo True, but it's a lot easier than setting up a feed and publishing to it oneself. I feel lucky that I've 10C and a prebuilt site at GitHub that, with minimal work, I can broadcast from.
Maybe my statement would be more compelling if I had more than 3 podcasts. :)
// @skematica
@matigo @skematica There is one thing I forgot to mention, something you've likely already done: configure your RSS. [admin.10centuries.org]
@matigo @skematica It's simple enough that even I understood what was required once I'd added the file. :)
@jextxadore @peemee That brings to mind something I first heard about quite some time ago: https://youtu.be/cTrOb8zyrZk
Because it's Sunday already somewhere in this world, my first quote of the weekend:
"(it's the little things that make me happy ?)"
– @ravisorg
Yeah, and I posted it to YouTube, though I'm uncertain about my use of that music clip.
Here's an enhanced followup to that video I posted earlier. I showed it to my wife, interrupting her 50 Cent YouTube marathon. She wet herself.
Ahhh, the power of the unexpected. :D