@matigo I'm wondering if certain isps are experiencing issues. Seems more likely.
I posted a poll for the next ThemeMonday on April 10th! It's live now at: https://beta.doodle.com/poll/rb5tnuggpx5ph2ry#table [beta.doodle.com]
(Please let me know if you have problems using it.)
More here: http://thememonday.bt3.com
@dgold Why does your range not surprise me? :) Yeah, Scrivener and Ulysses get good mentions from people with a need for them (if that makes sense) but even I stopped short of buying even when refunds were given by Apple.
I used Drafts exclusively for a long time, created a few personal URL schemes using Launch Center Pro, etc. Loved it. Then ADN support was dropped, my wheels fell off, and this began my impossibly long search for a replacement. Editorial gets my vote even though I've only scratched the surface of its Workflows. Incidentally re. sync., I happen to like Dropbox simply for what it is.
// @matigo @JeremyCherfas @streakmachine @indigo
@feorlen @phoneboy I was last there around 17 years ago at the start of a coach tour. Previous to that 24, at the beginning of a coach tour. Do you have any idea how lucky this Brit feels to be able to say that about a lifetime's dream‽
Ok, ok, I just don't have the words. :)
@indigo Ditto. Not progress IMO, especially as they render differently dependent on OS, browser, app, etc.
@thrrgilag I should look at conversations here and elsewhere but yeah, that's how I see it. Picking something to make the idea compelling at this point in the mobile phone's development history can't be easy. I'd say impossible; it's evolution now. Throwing removable lumps at a basic chassis seems to be failing too. My impression of course.
// @matigo
@thrrgilag It makes sense but, believe it or not, I was looking forward to the next iteration of the phone platform. Maybe I should have plunged but I doubt very much my sole purpose jade would have helped. ;)
Ever since @matigo first mentioned it, it ignited a tiny spark. Sure my Linux and coding skills are very limited but I honestly saw it as a route into (very, very limited) hobby mobile software development. Maybe even on-device, my much-preferred environment, as it were.
A shame, but inevitable given the established major players and dominant OS's. Another nail in the coffin of non-iOS, (non-Android?) convergence?