When was the post scheduled to expire?

FYI not everything connected to a button is connected to a button yet. ;)

Daughter 1 is off school sick, Wife 1 is sick too, prior to a night shift, I'm off work looking after. I should have time to do stuff. No, life isn't like that. :)


Well ok. I was about to start a personal 10Cv4 bugtracker/feature request repo - just for issues here. If you're implementing it here though, I can relax. :)

I don't need escaping in Blurbs, truth be told. It just seems a bit odd having a subset of Markdown - including necessary line feeds to create paragraphs. It'd be better for my mindset at least for only URLs to be Markdown syntax specific.

Why yes, I am considering footnotes. :)

We can't follow anyone yet. :}


Ah, no password entry. :}

Password protect post.

Can you see this? (follower only post.)

It used to block Facebook, Twitter and Lottery sites. Now only ADN, here and the Lottery. I can understand not wanting to have people social networking in work time, but gambling? Oh, and drink. But I get that at home with my ISP's 'light' filtering anyway…

Until 10pm, when the whole world becomes mine! I'm asleep by 11 so fail to exploit it all. :)