I suppose I'd better go to bed. Soon. First, I need to get the Easter eggs out so the girls can have an Egg Hunt when they awake! :)

Sounds great, I hope you get the same tonight!

…apart from that though it's not been bad. Walked the dog, tidied up after the decorating (my involvement was limited to stripping), and kept the girls fed & happy.

Well, what a disappointing end to the day. My 10C client timeline listing, which worked yesterday after Jason helped my understanding, now fails unless I revert back to a mode that lists a maximum of 49 posts. :/ //

I messed up, that should have been count. Swapping between physical and virtual keyboards isn't working too well. :}

Your markdown worked. :)

If you're on OS X I might be able tomake a version soon; as with Windows. Dunno, it's on the list. :D

Example: [text to display](URL)

Ah, I see my mistake. For the user timeline I was passing cou as data, whuch works upto 50 posts. For mentions it failed completely so I was passing appended to the URL https://api.10centuries.org/content/blurbs/mentions ! Thanks Jason, an easy fix.

How are/will you be/were you celebrating? :D //