@kdfrawg Ah, unfortunately I had to add the entry to the previously default hosts file to get it to work. :/ It's probably the last time I attempt to add another service at a subdomain or otherwise with something else running on running on the same webserver. :( @rabryst suggested I change the dns on the router to bypass my ISP. Apparently the ISP is known for blocking sites, and unfortunately my mobile phone contract is the same company. :/
// @c
@jws @matigo, can you please add the non-display of code blocks, backticks surrounding text show a < s u p > tag instead of the literal intent.
Yeah, I could have explained this better. :)
// @sumudu @c
@sumudu Yes you do. You will. :) Interesting that the code character backtick fails to render the text as I and @c wished. At least on mobile. Ah well, someone should make a 10C Markdown cheat sheet. ;)
@c It's yugely outdated, and when ADN expires it'll be utterly redundant. Keeping it up until March in its current form, then it'll be time for re-evaluation. But I'm now a bona-fide blogger not a Wiki editor. ;D
// @matigo
@matigo Ha! Though it's a Wiki, with a visit counter per page, I don't visit these days. I'd be surprised if there are more than a few hundred hits to the main page, and most will be me, some driven from ADN. :D
@c … And not at all using the work PC or on my phone now. A result of my failed attempt to install GNUSocial. :/