Thanks for keeping me included in all this; though I've nothing to add it raises my motivation to do something soon.

You know the word 'responsive' became kinda clichéd, applied everywhere? Thanks for personifying it but without the attendant craptasticness. :)

I'm almost certainly not much help, sorry. Heck, so I could understand the basics I needed to construct a flowchart! [] ;)

Did you try checking the status of the token at the bottom of the authentication page? []?

Because I can't sleep[1337. And because I intend to have a play with my code when I can setup an IDE again.]: what happens to a new login attempt which tries to create a fresh authorisation token when a user hasn't previously logged out: can it succeed, is their previous authorisation token wiped out?

Thanks Larry, I signed up to Pinboard, an easy decision. I'd not previously considered it, but my attempts at a reading list at GitHub are woefully inadequate. :)

// @kdfrawg

It is indeed. The phone is no longer listed here either. Wondering now whether asking 'why' is worth it. :/

New Post: Cancelled []

Just in an attempt to understand (I've been looking at my Python code) are accountid (for Blurbs) and channel_id still required to post to a blog, and are the numbers potentially different (mine are)?


OK, it looks as though my dream to rock up in a few days with an iPhone Plus, and start messing about with Workflows, is at an end.

Financially it makes no sense, we'd like a holiday this year, and other things. So I went for a OnePlus 2: an older model, running on a Cyanogen variant with the potential to not get the Nougat upgrade; but the price, for a high-spec. phone with the big screen I crave, is very attractive.

£250 (around US$315) for this:

Yes, I know you don't have time to read it. :)

@kdfrawg For the record I am, and always shall be, 14. ?